Becoming a working mama (why I miss my blog)

Becoming a working mama (why I miss my blog)

As I sit here desperately trying to finish a report, I am struck by a feeling of missing my blog…

Over the last few months I have so enjoyed writing about my thoughts and experiences. But in the last few weeks, yet another humongous change has hit my life: one that seems to have taken all my brain and writing capacity. In all fairness, this change has been brought on by me, and very intentionally so. But it has hit me on the head ( and the body) like a tonne of bricks!

I’ve become a working mama!

The plan was always to stay at home with any children I may be blessed enough to have, until they went to school. So, according to the plan, the day Aliyah started school was the day I started my business, Customer Insider.

I now work for myself, providing customer insights for other companies, and non – profit organisations. In plain English that means I speak to people’s customers for them, gather valuable information, and then feed it back.

It’s been a bit of a baptism of fire to say the least.

I’ve spent the last six weeks dusting up my magnificent qualitative interviewing skills, putting to practise my reflective listening and report writing skills, and trying to acquire some form of a work-clothes wardrobe. (My clothes for the last five years have been jeans, leggings, tops, and wedding wear. When I went to a client meeting in my puffa jacket the other day, it dawned on me that a change of clothing style is now unavoidable.)

And all this, among managing the school run, the packed lunch, the laundry, the cleaning, the cooking and the shopping, the homework, the after school activities, keeping up with Aliyah’s old friends, and helping her to get to know her new ones.

In short, I’ve spent the last six weeks running around and trying to digest what’s hit me!

Fortunately I have a star of a husband who is very supportive and encouraging of my business venture, being a first class entrepreneur himself. And, when asked, he does house chores 🙂

Nevertheless… I sit here, not quite believing that as of next week I start my second project! And one question has been going around in my head, and-of course- in my conversations with other working mamas.

How do you do it?

I’ve had some pretty helpful answers so far, but please, feel free to add to them! Tell me your own story about motherhood, work, home and life!

I’m all ears 🙂





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Katerina Faulds
